When a product is marked as a 'Pre-Order' this means that the product is not available for delivery right now, but you can pre-order it so that you receive it as soon as it is available.
The estimated dispatch date will be listed in the respective ‘product details’ section of the pre-order item.
Dispatch date is an estimate only and is subject to change.
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If i order other items with my pre-order, when will these be dispatched?
For customers purchasing a Pre-order item with other in-stock items, your order will only be dispatched once all items are in-stock. Which means you will have to wait until the Pre-order item arrives before your in-stock items are shipped.
If you wish to have your in-stock items shipped ahead of a Pre-order item, please place separate orders.
What happens if the release date changes?
All of our dispatch dates are approximate only. Your Pre-order item may arrive slightly early or late.
If your Pre-order item is more than 10 business days late to be dispatched and you would like to cancel your item, please reach out to to organise a full refund.
Please note, once an item has been processed the refund will not be available.
When will my item be dispatched?
Items will be dispatched once they arrive at the Pinchy HQ warehouse. Please ensure you include a valid email address in your order to receive email updates.